Monorepo setup
Git Repo SetupTo setup a monorepo for Rosetta UI Library, we will use
- lerna
- Yarn workspace
Why Lerna?To manage publishing and versioning of each components.
Why Yarn WorkSpaceTo maintain monorepo and to reduce space requirement for multiple copies of node modules.
StepsInstall Yarn and Lerna globally ( you need to have nodeJs already installed on the machine). Run following command on the terminal
npm install -g yarn
Once yarn is installed, install lerna
npm install -g lerna
Initialize repo with
yarn init
Lets create lerna.json file
lerna init
Update lerna.json file with below text
{ "packages": ["packages/*"], "version": "0.0.0", "npmClient": "yarn", "useWorkspaces": true, "command": { "version": { "allowBranch": "main", "conventionalCommits": true, "message": "chore(release): publish" } }}
Update package.json file with below text
{ ..., "private": true, "workspaces": { "packages": [ "packages/*" ] }
At this point, your folder structure should look like
dir/ packages/ lerna.json package.json
Time to create few react app in our Monorepo. We will use CRA for initial setup, but will update default project, with custom webpack setup, which can be use as template for creating new projects
Create React app inside packages directory
cd packages npx create-react-app default-project
Update root/package.json
"scripts": { "bootstrap": "lerna bootstrap", "build": "lerna run build", "start": "lerna run start --stream", "new-version":"lerna version --conventional-commits --yes" },
If don't want to commit and push when generating new verions
"new-version":"lerna version --conventional-commits --no-git-tag-version"
If don't wnat to commit Lerna bootstrap
Lerna run build
Lerna run start --stream
Update start script inside default project to
"start": "PORT=30001 react-scripts start",
Create one more React app, using CRA and update start script to
"start": "PORT=30002 react-scripts start",
Navigate to root directory of your project in command line and run
yarn start
You should have two React app started and running in the browser.